Good day! As I wrote last week, I had this nail polish dump-out
which resulted in me having only 10 nail polishes left, no reds, no
nice neutrals, not even speaking of any mattes. I managed to pick up 2
new shades from Rival de Loop Young cosmetics (which supposedly are
cruelty free) and today I am showing these two off as well as writing my
first impressions about them, which seasonal types I recommend the
polishes to and style advice for using these.

Here it is, me finally taking myself for my words and starting to make
proper youtube videos. I thought this would never see the daylight, but
after making the Makeup Revolution unpacking video, I thought why the
heck not! It is a fast paced speed through video of me doing my makeup
for a day full of errand runs. Keep in mind that I am still learning and
finding out how this all works with the lights and super cool
backgrounds etc. Feedback welcome! Enjoy your Friday.
Keratin treatment for straight, shiny hair with no frizz. Done in a
salon by me. Quicker than the classic keratin treatments and this has no
formaldehyde in it - safer for the hairdresser and the client.
to last for 100 days, but I can not yet comment on how long it lasts,
especially knowing that everyone's hair reacts and holds up differently.
Enjoy the quick look at this and like the post/leave a comment for more
future videos regarding hair care, dyeing, crazy colors and makeup