22 things I've learned in life

December 31, 2016

I just turned 22 this past Christmas (25th of Dec to be exact) and this year made me think about a lot... about things that have happenned as well as what I have learned. Also this is a huge inspiration from Jenna Marble's usual posts about what she has learned in life, haha.. So, this will be my countdown to 22 things I learned in 22 years of my life:

  • Family is not everything. It also is not put in stone that you MUST always agree with your family members or do as your parents say. You are your own person.
  • Friends are what count with years and they will come and go, but only few will stick that will be a family of it's own.
  • You truly understand a few things only when you grow up, but that does not mean that your opinions can be discredited or not taken seriously JUST because `you will grow out of it`.
  • There is so, so much more to experience in lifetime besides having a child.
  • Youngest generation truly is our future and we should embrace it, even if it comes with a shock.
  • In general life really is pointless...
  • Small children understand a lot more than we think and they are the reflection of their parents.
  • The only unconditional love you will ever have, will come from animals.
  • Not drinking alcohol comes with the advantage of slimming up.
  • No relationship ever is perfect.
  • There is no right or wrong, everything is relative..
  • Just because it is new, does not mean it is bad!
  • Everything happens for a reason.
  • There is no point of keeping negative, bad influence people in your life; it only gets worse!
  • It is OK to make mistakes - it's one of the ways how to grow and succeed.
  • You graduate from primary school and highschool once, the rest, including marriage, can happen as many times as you wish for it to happen.
  • Yes, it is perfectly fine to have a different opinion, values and wishes than what the society, friends and acquaintances have,
  • Being unique is challenging. There are billions of people on this planet, someone has either thought of the same thing or done something you thought only YOU do.
  • Sexual education should be taught more. Especially by professionals and pornstars.
  • The hymen reverts back close to it's original size. Which is why women can push out a child and not have loose flaps down to their knees. Which theoretically means that you don't lose your virginity, you kind of stretch it out.
  • Each period of time has it's pros and cons; it's all trial and error and there will never be utopia on this planet.
  • In the end, every single person sometimes feels insecure, depressed and helpless.. Once we hit those teenage years, we only add to our minds, we never mentally grow up.

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